

Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 8(1): 8-14 (2015)

Effect of endosulfan on the lactate dehydrogenase profile of a fresh water air-breathing teleost fist,

Channa gachua

Akalesh K. Verma and Jashodeb Arjen*

Cell and Tumor Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793022 and Department of Zoology, Biochemistry Division, Lumding College, Lumding, Nagaon 782447 Assam, India


Endosulfan, a broad-spectrum organochlorine pesticide is extensively used to control a wide variety of pests in agriculture, horticulture and public health programmes. Recently a study was carried out in the tea garden areas of Karbi Anglong district of Assam, India where endosulfan has been extensively used for controlling the tea insects, aphids and beetles and also in some extent in the paddy fields. Endosulfan residues finally reach the surrounding water bodies through surface runoff affecting the aquatic fauna. Therefore, the recent study has been undertaken to find out the impact of endosulfan on the biomarkers of oxidative stress, lactic dehydrogenase isozyme (LDH) profiles of locally available fish, Channa gachua (Hamilton).The sub-lethal exposure studies were carried out for 21 days at half of 96 h LC50 dose (1.32μl/l) of endosulfan. The result of present work shows that the sublethal doses of endo- sulfan significantly (P<0.05) increased the LDH activity in treated group as compared to controls. Histopathological examination of liver tissues of treated and experimental groups showed swelling of the hepatocytes in places with areas of diffused necrosis. Furthermore, the data of present study also show that the experimental fishes collected from adjoining areas of endosulfan treated fields are severely affected.



Endosulfan is one of the more toxic pesticides on the market today, responsible for many fatal pesticide poi- soning incidents around the world (Ahmad et al., 2000;


*Corresponding Author Received 10th March, 2015 Accepted after revision 30th June, 2015 BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455

Online ISSN: 2321-4007 NAAS Journal Score :3.48

©A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2015. All rights reserved.

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Akanji et al., 1993). Finally, this endosulfan makes their way to wetland and swamps of adjoining area. Both the beels and the swamps are ecologically and economically very important features (Arnold et al., 1996). These com- prise a major component of the area’s ecology. The beels


are traditionally used as natural fisheries. Even today, the beels produce more fish per unit area than any many other man made fisheries. A large number of beels are connected with the rivers by one or more feeder chan- nels. These feeder channels are lifeline of such water bodies, which are getting polluted by pesticides, (Bisht and Agarwal, 2007 and Kaviraj & Gupta, 2014).

In addition to the direct impact of pesticides on aquatic life, bioaccumulation of contaminants through food chain in organisms is another important factor to be considered. Extensive investigations have been car- ried out all over the world including different parts of India for the effects of pesticides and metals on both ter- restrial and aquatic organisms, (Gill et al., 1991, Cripe, 1994; Dey & Gupta, 2002, Choudhary et al., 2003, Dae- sik et al., 2004, Cengiz, 2006; Boran et al., 2007; Choud- hary et al., 2008, Ali and Naaz, 2013 and Ali, 2014 ).

Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme of interest in recent study of the glycolytic pathway. It catalyzes the interconversion of pyruvate and lactate with con- comitant interconversion of NADH and NAD+. It con- verts pyruvate, the final product of glycolysis to lactate when oxygen is absent or in short supply. LDH activity is present in all cells of the body and is invariably found only in the cytoplasm of the cell. Elevations of LDH may be measured either as a total LDH or as LDH isoenzymes. A total LDH level is an overall measurement of five dif- ferent LDH isoenzymes. isoenzymes are slightly differ- ent molecular versions of the LDH enzyme. A total LDH level will reflect the presence of tissue damage. LDH is released into the bloodstream when cells are damaged or destroyed. Because of this, the LDH test can be used as a general marker of injury to cells (Hiremath and Kaliwal, 2002 and Hernandez et al., 2006).

Endosulfan causes increase in Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity, blood glucose levels and phospholipid contents of the microsomal and sur- factant system and profoundly induce the activity of the alcohol dehydrogenase and cytosolic glutathione- S-transferases. It also decreases significantly Na-K and Mg-ATPases, plasma calcium level and alkaline phos- phatase in three intestinal epithelium (Holem et al., 2006, Johal et al., 2007).

A number of studies have documented that endosul- fan acts as an anti-androgen in animals (Joshi et al., 2007). It is also a xenoestrogen—a synthetic substance that imitates or enhances the effect of estrogens (Kala- vathy et al., 2001, Kumar et al., 2007) and it can act as an endocrine disruptor causing reproductive and developmental damage in both animals and humans. A 2009 assessment concluded that endocrine disruption occurs only at endosulfan doses that cause neurotoxicity (Malomo, 2000). Therefore, the recent studies have been carried out to explore the toxic effects of endosulfan

Akalesh K. Verma and Jashodeb Arjen

on locally available air breathing teleost fish, Channa gachna (Hamilton) in relation to lactic dehydrogenase, which is not well documented.


Endosulfan was purchased from Meerut Agro Chemicals Industries Ltd., Meerut, India, Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (βNADH), reduced nicotinamide- hypoxantine dinucleotide (β-dNADH), bovine serum albumin (BSA), nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT) and phena- zin emethosul fate (PMS), nicotinamide adenine dinucle- otide (β NAD) were obtained from the Sigma Chemical. All the other chemicals were analytical grade products of Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).

The bulk sample of the freshwater fish, Channa gachita (Hamilton) (ranging in weight 40gm to 45gm) was pro- cured from their natural habitat and transported to the laboratory in well aerated polythene bag and acclimated to the ambient laboratory temperature 26 ± 0.4 and pH

7.2in large glass aquarium. During the period of accli- mation, they were fed every day with mosquitos’ larva and artificial food diets. The period of acclimation lasted for 2 weeks. After acclimation healthy fish were selected from stock and transferred to another glass tank. Fur- ther the fishes were divided into different groups each containing 10 numbers of fishes. The control and treated fishes were collected from non endosulfan treated area (supply from Nagaon, India) whereas, experimental group fishes were collected from adjoining wetland and swamp area of tea garden( Karbi Anglong, India) where endosulfan is most extensively used in tea garden for insect pest control.

For determining LC50 values of the Endosulfan on Channa gachua, 10 fishes in each group were placed in a container of 15 liters capacity with single dose of 2.64μ1/lendosulfan. No food was given during the 4-day exposure. Mortality was recorded at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs. Dead organisms were removed and test solutions

was renewed every 24 hr. Finally LC50 was calculated by Percentage death Curve, experiment was tested in 5 replicates.

During bioassay the morality in control groups was adjusted according to the method of Ludke et al., (1993). Endosulfan was dissolved in acetone and a fresh medium of endosulfan was prepared by changing water on alter- nate day. The control group fishes were exposed to water containing 0.01% acetone only. Pilot experiment did not show any significant effect of 0.01% acetone exposure on biochemical changes in the fish. Whereas, treatment group was treated with sublethal concentration of endo-

sulfan (1.32μl/l, half of LC50 of 96hrs) for 21 days and experimental group was without any treatment, col- lected from endosulfan affected area (tea garden and

Akalesh K. Verma and Jashodeb Arjen

agriculture field). Tissues and blood were collected on 4th, 7th, 14th and 21st day for biochemical and histopatho- logical studies. The groups of exposure phase were as given below. Group I. Control exposed to 0.01% acetone only. Group II. Treated (1.32 μl/l), exposed to endosulfan for 21 days.Group III. Experimental, without any treat- ment and collected from endosulfan treated area.

The activity of LDH (L-lactate: NAD+ oxidoreduct- ase) was ascertained following the method of Schmidt et al., (1965) Lactate dehydrogenase catalyses the revers- ible reduction of pyruvate to lactate with the quantitative oxidation of NADH. The assay mixture without the sample was pre incubated for 5 minutes at 37°C in a 1ml quartz cuvette having lcm light path directly in an UV visible spectrophotometer (Beckman, Model DU 640), having a temperature regulator. In order to start the reaction, the sample was added to the preincubated reaction mixture.

The decrease in the absorbance was recorded at 340nm at an interval of 10 seconds, and the duration of linear decrease in the O.D. value was noted for calculating the activity of LDH. The molar extinction coefficient value of NADH at 340nm is 6.22 ×106. The enzyme activity of LDH (1 unit) is expressed as the amount of enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of 1 mole of NADH to NAD+ per minute at 37°C. The specific activity of the enzyme was calculated for hemolysate as U/gm Hb and for tissue homogenate as U/mg protein.

LDH isozymes pattern was studied in liver and serum only. For thisstudy 10% homogenate prepared in PBS in case of tissues, 6 fold dilution in case of serum and then centrifuged at 8,000g for 20mins (4°C). 50 μl of the super- natant was loaded on the polymerized gel. After loading the sample, the electrode buffer was filled gently in the upper and lower buffer chamber. Electrophoresis was run at a constant current of 50mA at 4° C (34 hrs.). The gel tubes were flushed out with the help of a syringe with dis- tilled water and stained for LDH in LDH staining solution for 15 mints at 37°C (Violet coloured LDH bands).

The gels were rinsed once in fixative (7% acetic acid). And then stored in the fixative and photographed. For histopathological study liver tissue was collected on 21st day of treatment and processed routinely. The liver tis-

sue was fixed in 10% formaldehyde. They were embed- ded in paraffin. 10 μm sections were obtained, stained with Harris hematoxylene-eosin and examined under light microscope. Results were Mean ± SE. Significant differences between control and treated groups were cal- culated using Student’s t-test. Number of replicates (N) = 5, p-values of ≤ 0.05 were considered significant.


Mean LC50 values of endosulfan for C. gachua is depicted in Table 1, which reveals that the LC50 value at 96 hrs is

2.64μl/1. Accordingly, the sublethal concentration for endosulfan was selected as 1.32 μl/1, which is half of the LC50 of endosulfan.

LDH activity in the tissues and blood of control, treated and experimemal groups: Endosulfan treatment resulted in a progressive increase in the enzyme activity in the serum following the first day of treatment and showed a maximum increase of ~83% on day 14’1’ and- decrease (~8%) in the later treatment period (21st days). An initial increase in LDH activity (~24%) was noticed in the liver, after 4th days of treatment, maximum increase in activity (~81%) was observe on days 21st. In the kid- ney an increase in activity (~8%) was noted after 4th day of treatment and maximum activity (~89%) is found on 21st days.

Muscle shows continuous increase in activity with the increase of treatment duration the maximum activ- ity (~89%) is found on days 21st. The LDH activity in the gills was found to increase and on the 4th day, the activity was almost similar to the control whereas, the maximum LDF activity (~53%) was achieved on 21” days. In case of experimental group the LDH activity is found to increase significantly in all tissue including the serum as compared to control LDH isozymes pat- terns: The analysis of LDH isozymes patterns promi- nently revealed the presence of all the five isozymes forms (i.e. LDH- 1, LDH-2, LDH-3, LDH-4 and LDH- 5) in the liver and serum of all groups (Fig. 1). In the liver of control group (Fig. la) all the isozymes form in

Table 1: LC50 value of Endosulfan estimated by Percentage death Curve method.

Each value of % death represents the mean of three different observations ± SE.

Akalesh K. Verma and Jashodeb Arjen

FIGURE 1: Micrographs showing the LDH isozymes patterns in liver and blood serum. Fig a, Fig b and Fig c represents the liver isozymes pattern of control, treated and experimental group whereas, fig d, Fig e and Fig f represents the LDH isozymes pattern of blood serum of control, treated and experimental groups respectively. Lane 1, 2, 3 and 4 represents the 4th, 7th, 14th and 21st days of sample collection.

FIGURE 2: Photomicrograph showing liver histology of control, treated and experimental groups.

different lanes are showing similar intensity hence show- ing almost similar activity on 4th, 7th, 14th and 21st days. Whereas, in the treatment group (Fig. lb) of liver tis- sue the intensity of all the isozymes increases reflecting increase in activity, the maximum intensity is observed in lane 4, the LDH 5 in lane land 3 were found to be least expressed. In case of experimental group (Fig. lc) band intensity of different isozymes form is slightly increases in comparison to control. In the blood serum of con- trol group (Fig. 1d) all the isozymes form in lane 1, 2, and 3 showingsimilar pattern but in lane 4 the intensity increases. The treated group (Fig. 1e) showed signifi- cant increased in band intensity in all lanes, very high intensity is observed in lane 2. In experimental group

(Fig. 1f) all LDH isozymes in lane I showing less inten- sity but are more prominently expressed in all other lane hence reflecting higher activity.

Histopathological examination: Histopathological examination of liver tissues of Control showed normal tissue architecture (Fig. 2A). Whereas, treated group (Fig. 2C) showed swelling of the hepatocytes in places with areas of diffuse necrosis and chronic toxic hepati- tis in liver. There was portal mononuclear inflammatory infiltration and some eosinophyl leucocytes and lobu- lary inflammation (liver cell necrosis). Histopathologi- cal examination of liver tissues of experimental group (Fig. 2B) showed the normal architecture of liver tissue was markedly disrupted. Sinusoids in most cases were

Akalesh K. Verma and Jashodeb Arjen

TABLE 2: Specific activity (mean ±SE) of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the serum and tissues of different groups.

The specific activity of the enzyme was calculated for hemolysate as U/g Hb and for tissue homogenate as U/mg protein. The values are mean ± SE. Student’s t- test, n=5, as compared to the corresponding control, P≤0.05. Mean values with asterisk differ significantly at *P<0.05.

distended and central veins appeared severely dam- aged due to marked swelling and degeneration of the endothelial lining cells. It also showed some regenera- tive findings with mild hepatitis, nuclear hyperchromasy and minimal microvesiculary fatty degeneration

Fig A Photomicrograph of rat liver administered with 0.01% acetone (control), Showing normal hepatic plate and central vein. (100X)

Fig B Photomicrograph of rat liver treated with endo- sulfan at the dose of 1.32μl/l (treated), showing swelling of the hepatocytes in places with areas of diffuse necrosis and chronic toxic hepatitis in liver. (200X)

Fig C Photomicrograph of rat liver without any treat- ment, collected from adjoining area of endo- sulfan treated field (experimental) the normal architecture of liver tissue was markedly dis- rupted. Sinusoids in most cases were distended and central veins appeared severely damaged due to marked swelling and degeneration of the endothelial lining cells. (200X)

The measurement of the activities of ‘marker’ enzymes in tissues and body fluids can be used in assessing the degree of assault and the toxicity of a chemical com- pound on organ/tissues (Nelson & Cox, 2005; Pandey et al., 2009; Rahman & Siddiqui, 2005). In the recent study the result showed that the LDH activity is sig- nificantly higher in treated and experimental groups in comparison to control.

In the present study, the highest LDH activity has been found in kidney and lowest in blood serum in all groups. The LDH isozymes pattern of liver and blood

serum of treated and experimental group indicates the up regulation of LDH enzyme. This happened because under the condition of oxidative stress, there is a meta- bolic change in the tissue leading to increased activity of LDH, since under anaerobic conditions LDH catalyzes the reaction of transforming pyruvic acid into lactic acid and increased concentration of lactates. This indi- cates the loss of intracellular LDH and its release into the medium is an indicator of irreversible cell death due to cell membrane damage (Ramaneswari & Rao, 2008).

The significant loss of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), an enzyme associated with the cytosolis quite under- standable since it is in close proximity to the plasmam- embrane (Schmidt et al., 1965). Slight damage to the plasma membrane will easily lead to leakage of LDH from the cell interior to the extracellular environment (Shanmugam et al., 2000). However, the increase in serum LDH activity (Table 2) in treated and experimental groups support the reasoning ofleakage of the cytosohc enzyme from the tissues into the serum due to labialized plasma membrane.

Histological examination of tissues could serve as complementary evidence (Shelby et al., 1996) to enzyme studies towards revealing any distortion/damage to the normal structure of the tissue cells (Singh & Srivastava., 1992, Singh & Singh, 2007; Tripathi & Verma, 2004). In this study, we have observed the toxic effects of endo- sulfan exposure on the liver tissues. As shown in Figure 2A, 2B and 2C, the livers of fig.2B and 2C suffered his- topathological damage.

All abnormal features displayed by the liver histol- ogy both in treated and experimental group following administration of Endosulfan may be due to damage to the hepatocyte by the endosulfan (Varayoud et al., 2008;

Velmurugan et al., 2007). This is an indication of cir- rhosis which usually disrupts the normal flow of blood through the liver; 7 . The liver histology of experimen- tal fishes also shows similar pattern with treated group this indicates that the experimental fishes collected from adjoining areas of endosulfan treated field is also affected by endosulfan (Venkatramana et al., 2006). Our results suggested that exposure of fishes to endosulfan caused liver tissue damage revealed by increased levels of liver LDH.

It is also established that Endosulfan is metabolized in the liver through cytochrome P450 system to hepatotoxic intermediates. The highly reactive free radicals generated during the course of the reaction cause damage to the organism (Wilson & LeBlanc, 1998). According to Gill et al. (2007) HSI of fresh water fish, Barbus conchonius was moderately increased after 2, 3 and 4 weeks of expo- sure to 6.72 ppb of organochlorine insecticide endosulfan. Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides (DDT, endosulfan, etc.) cause liver damage that ranges from increased liver weights and fat content to cell necrosis (Yakubu et al., 2003, and Kaviraj and Gupta, 2014).

However, some enzyme activity changes are related to hepatic alterations induced by pesticides, including induction of serum amino transferases, lactic dehydro- genase and alkaline phosphatase. Damage to liver cells also leads to changes in the organelles (Kurutsei et al., 2006). These morphological changes disturb various bio- chemical reactions which then can be measured in the serum or RBC.


Our results suggest that exposure of endosulfan to Channa gachna (Hamilton) caused liver tissue necrosis by increased levels of LDH in serum. The results of present study also suggest that the fishes collected from endo- sulfan treated areas are also notably affected by endo- sulfan. Moreover, we support that LDH enzyme may be an important biochemical marker for pesticide toxicity to mammalian system. Moreover, endosulfan is Banned in more than 62 countries, including the European Union and several Asian and West African nations, it is still used extensively in many other countries including India, Bra- zil, and Australia. Bearing in mind the adverse effect of endosulfan observedin recent study along with the sup- ported literature it is recommended that the application of endosulfan should be ban strictly in India as well.


We acknowledge the Head of department of Zoology, Lumding College for providing the research facility.

Akalesh K. Verma and Jashodeb Arjen

The authors are also thankful to the villagers of Karbi Anglong for their helping hands during fish collection.


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